感謝Niseko Academy 幫我實現夢想」 我從2009年開始滑雪、為了想要讓雪技更精進、曾經上了許多中文、日文的私人教練課程,但始終還是沒有突破性的進展,只能每天在壓雪的雪道、偶爾進去小樹林滑行。 直到2014年我加入了Niseko Academy 的Training 課程,意外開啟了人生另一扇大門,第一年訓練3個月後、順利取得NZSIA Level 2證照、第二年取得SBINZ Level 2 的證照,學校同時也會提供工作機會,從0基礎到成為一名滑雪教練絕對不是夢。 原來這裡的訓練官都是考官,短期密集有效率的訓練,透過各種不同的模擬練習、讓我直接能做出正確的動作,改掉了我長期養成的壞習慣,也因此我才能進入Backcountry 這個領域,探索了更多美麗的雪山,也真正享受到粉雪的樂趣。 到現在已經8年了,Niseko Academy 就是我在二世谷溫暖的家,考官們已經成為我的工作夥伴、一起享受雪季並分享經驗,很幸運我做了對的選擇、並實現了在日本生活的夢想。

Thanks to Niseko Academy for helping me realize my dream” I started skiing in 2009. In order to improve my snow skills, I have taken many private lessons in Japanese and Chinese, but my progress was slow. I could only ride on groomed runs and only some easy off-piste. It was not until 2014 that I joined a Training course with Niseko Academy, which opened another door in my life. After 3 months of training in the first year, I successfully obtained the NZSIA Level 2 instructor license, and the second year I obtained the SBINZ Level 2 instructor license. At the same time, the school also offered the opportunity to work as an instructor. I never dreamt of becoming a ski instructor from 0 basics. It turns out that the trainers here are all examiners. The short-term intensive and efficient training allows me to directly perform correct actions through various simulation exercises, and to break the bad habits that I have developed for a long time, so I can enter the Backcountry, explore beautiful snow-capped mountains, and really enjoyed the fun of powder snow. It’s been 8 years now, Niseko Academy is my warm home in Niseko, the examiners have become my working partners, enjoying the snow season and sharing experiences together, I’m fortunate to have made the right choice and achieved the goal of being in Japan Living the dream dream.

Grace Ting